Wednesday, August 23, 2006

A Swift Kick In The ...

Well today was the dreaded oral portion of the End Of Course (EOC), required for all Part 141 and 142 flight training. EOC is supposed to be more difficult than the FAA Practical Test. If you can pass EOC, then theoretically, the FAA should be a breeze.

Let's just say I knew all the answers...except for the ones I didn't know. Duh huh.

After 2 1/2 hours, several interruptions and some exasperation, we decided to incomplete today and finish tomorrow. That's a relief. I thought he was going to fail me on this one.

I still get to fly tomorrow morning. Planned to Palm Springs, but doubt we'll get that far. We're going to finish the second half tomorrow.

It's amazing how much basic stuff you forget when you're in instrument. In the air, basic maneuvers become foreign and landings...let's just say that I'm glad that I fly VFR on my own outside of school. Mine haven't been the best lately, but better than some I've heard about.

Today, I forgot basic Pitot/Static stuff, how to explain gyroscopic procession and the basic components of an ILS. Right now, I know its Guidance, Range and Visual. Earlier it was...uh...duh...who's on first?

Time for a good nights sleep. Tomorrow's flight will be a long one. All inclusive. Can I remember how to do compass turns, partial panel unusual attitude recovery, stalls etc? I should. I do now. Tomorrow isn't right now, though. Will I bust DA/DH? Will I stay ahead of the approach curve? Pressure. I hate pressure.

A little self doubt is good for the ego. Too much can wreck everything. Tomorrow, I'll walk the balance beam...hopefully without racking myself.

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