Friday, January 12, 2007

Three Powerful Words from Bob Loblaw

At my school, the end of course exam is designed to be twice as difficult as any check ride. This is to ensure that you don't bust the real thing. My end of course has been a little drawn out, but it is finally over. Total oral exam time: 5.5 hours. Long...grueling...over. The second half was focusing on systems, aero medical and dreaded aerodynamics.

Happily, I can say that the worry over aerodynamics has paid off. I'm not ready for a PhD in fluid dynamics, but a few weeks of intense studying did the trick. I just finished my 8710, have a review flight scheduled for Sunday and will request a check ride on Monday. It looks like next Thursday, Friday or Saturday depending on DPE availability.

One more week and I'll be a commercial pilot. I can already hear the phone ringing with lucrative flying job offers!


Before finishing up my end of course, I had to get my "no-fly" status taken care of. Their stance: pay now. My stance: I don't owe any money until the end of the month and that is when I will pay. Big divide.

Solution: I met with the new president of the school briefly today and laid out my case. 1. I have paid as agreed in advance since day one. 2. My next payment isn't due until 1/31. 3. I have paid $XX so far and have yet to receive a commercial pilot's license. 4. Three powerful words: No commercial license, NO MORE MONEY. Period.

It appears that they have renewed clarity regarding my position. Within five minutes, I was off the "no-fly" list. Kind of like The Far Side comic about Ginger the dog. It went something like this:
Owner says: "Darn it, Ginger, how many times have I told you to stay out of the trash? Ginger, when will you ever learn? Bad dog, Ginger! Bad dog!"Ginger the dog hears: "blah blah GINGER blah blah blah blah GINGER blah blah blah GINGER blah blah!"

I say: "Darn it XYZ flight school. NO MORE MONEY! How many times do I have to tell you that I pay on time and to never put me on the "no-fly" list. Bad flight school. NO MORE MONEY!

They hear: blah blah blah NO MORE MONEY blah blah blah blah blah NO MORE MONEY

Should I let them know that my name isn't Bob Loblaw?


I was chatting with the chief flight instructor today. He had the impression that I was angry about everything with the school. I challenged his notion and suggested that maybe because of the school's situation, wasn't it possible that he was feeling a little defensive? I explained what was making me angry (the no-fly issue and the manner in which it was brought up) but also told him the things that I did appreciate about the school. No matter how crappy the aircraft are, the education I have received is excellent. Flight instructors at most flight schools are there simply to build time, but the ones that I have had (other than the one I fired) did their personal best to teach me what they knew.

I am glad that the school is surviving. The president has stepped down and a new one has been appointed. I don't know if they are still hanging by a thread and operating on a day to day basis, but I am rooting for their survival. Other than the fleet of flying fright pigs, it's a pretty decent place. Word is that if the current plans survive, several new additions to the fleet will be in order, including a few Seminoles. That being said, I still won't give them another dime until I have my commercial check ride(s) completed.

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