Friday, November 17, 2006

Dyslexic School Flight

Saying: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"

Translation at Dyslexic school flight: "If it ain't workin', don't fix it"


Yes, the aircraft was down again today. They managed to get one in the air this morning, but a fuel pump went out before it was my turn. The last time I flew a multi engine aircraft was October 22nd. That makes it 4 weeks this coming Sunday. With as little actual flight time you get in 142 multi-engine training, every little bit counts and recent flight experience REALLY counts. It would be fair to say that every previous lesson is now lost. There has been way too much time between lessons for there to be useful retention of cockpit flows and emergency procedures.

On Monday, I asked the school to put me in part 61 training for the remainder of my commercial. That would put me back in a single engine aircraft for the remainder of my commercial training, with a multi add-on to follow. I told the school there would be no more money from me until resolution has been reached. As of today, 5 business days later, they have failed to get back with me. I think 5 business days is a reasonable amount of time to expect an answer. I also think requesting to be moved to Part 61 training is reasonable at this point as well. Apparently, there is no value in having me as a student and it is about time to make a change.

I'm in a good position right now. They don't have all of my money and a change would be very easy. I know that principals from the school frequent this blog. Hopefully, someone will step up and do the right thing.

I'm trying to stay positive and avoid getting bitter.

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