Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Final Hurdle - For Now

Well here I sit at Sky Harbor in Phoenix waiting for a space available seat on a flight that is terminally oversold. The airline I'm flying has only two daily flights to Cincinnati. Right now, the flight is oversold by 4, which leaves me here to wave goodbye from the terminal.

Oh well, there are other less convenient ways to get there. No complaining. I chose this and had better get used to traveling non-revenue status. The benefits far outweigh the inconveniences.

Wait, I think there's a chance I may get on board after all. The just announced that they don't need volunteers to give up seats. Maybe there will be one seat for me? Maybe?


I've spoken with as many people as possible about the cognitive test and the concensus is that there is no way to be prepared for it other than having a good night's sleep. The goal of the test is to find out if a prospective pilot is capable of multi tasking in the cockpit of an ailiner.

Nerves are tense...relax...just breathe.

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