Sunday, December 31, 2006

Is It Over Already?

2006 was a blur. It started out with a huge family cruise vacation to the Caribbean, a change of schools for my two oldest children and then THE DECISION.

Yes, THE DECISION made a profound impact on my life and more importantly, my family. Instead of the typical 40 hour work week husband and father, I became the 100 hour work-school-study week absentee husband and father. It has been challenging at times, but much has been accomplished.

Private rating: 60 days
Instrument rating: 90 days
Commercial rating: about 100 days (can it be counted as a 2006 accomplishment if I'm just waiting to schedule a check ride?)

Wow. Seeing it written down doesn't make it look like as much as it really is. I swear it really has been a lot of work, especially for my wife. Without her support and encouragement it would have been over after the first 100 hour week. Scheduling conflicts, clashes with an instructor, aircraft down for maintenance and other delays, in addition to work travel requirements has posed significant challenges this year. Focus, determination and the help of good people have made it surmountable.

The biggest down side of all the changes in 2006 has been my struggle with weight. Before I started school, I had lost 35 pounds. One of the things I had to cut to manage school was the gym. The result: 25 pounds found their way back.

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A minor accomplishment for 2006 that just might help to lose the weight again is the switch to diet soda. I have always been addicted to Coke (the soda, thank you very much). It wasn't unusual to see me put away a few 32 ounce vats on a stressful day. Making the switch was a grueling 3-step process:

1. Started with Diet Dr. Pepper. I usually detest Dr. Pepper, but it is the easiest diet soda to drink. I think it's because regular Dr. Pepper is so nasty, it's not a stretch to go to diet.

2. Move on to Diet Pepsi. I've always preferred Coke vs. Pepsi. But when it comes to diet, the opposite rings true. Viva la Diet Pepsi.

3. Diet Coke. Once you've grown accustomed to the diet aftertaste, it's finally time to start accepting the fact the Diet Coke is your new friend. Diet Coke: zero calories, zero enjoyment. Hey, maybe I should be a copywriter.

After one month, I can't tell the difference between diet and regular soda anymore. I used to gag when a waitress assumed the fat dude needed a diet and brought one out. Now it's just a soda. Hopefully, I'll fare better than lab rats that ingest artificial sweeteners.

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We really enjoyed the holidays this year. We had a house full of guests on Christmas and the children glowed with happiness. Since it was probably my last Christmas at home for a few years, I'm glad that it was so special.

What to accomplish in 2007? What not to accomplish, should be the question.

  1. Be safe, fly smart and always willing to learn.
  2. Get my commercial multi engine add-on.
  3. Get my CFI, CFII, MEI.
  4. Get a part time instructing job to continue the learning process.
  5. Consider participating in a time building program.
  6. Interview, interview, interview.
  7. Finally get an injection from XYZ Airlines that cures Shiny Jet Syndrome.
  8. Be good to family and remember their sacrifices.
  9. Maintain friendships and seek out new ones. It's the people in your life that make the difference.

Happy New Year to everyone.

For those of you that do fly, be safe.

For those considering it, make wise decisions and never be afraid to say, "I don't know."

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