Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Links Section

I just added a new section titled "Useful Aviation Resources". It is on the sidebar near the top.

Right now, there a just a few links. Over the next week or so, I'll add some more links to places that I find very useful. Some of them take you directly to download sites, which I have verified as safe. The takeoff data calculator is a real time saver. Don't be alarmed that it is an Excel file.

The UND Aerospace site requires registration. Every student should register. This is an extremely useful site, especially the multi engine trainers. It really helps with visualizing drag, Vmc and multi-engine dynamics.

If anyone has any suggestions for links, I'll be glad to consider them.

I hope people find them as useful as I have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike, this is a great blog, I am actually in a similar situation in that I am working on all of my ratings to move into a career as a Pilot, I am currently a software engineer and am going through my training as quickly as possible. If you get a chance check out my blog at www.apilotsjourney.com. Good luck with your training and keep it up.