Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Time Has Come

It's been a while since I was hired by XXXair. Almost 10 weeks has passed and it's finally time leave for training.

XXXair has always been good about accommodations during training. Full pay, plus per-diem, plus single occupancy hotel room. Not bad. Other's have no pay, some have double occupancy. We XXXair just came out with a new option. During training, you now have the choice of single occupancy hotel - OR - double occupancy furnished apartment. At first, the apartment doesn't sound so great. After the thought of the same hotel room for 8 weeks, the apartment comes back to mind. Well after looking at what the apartments offer, I wondered why I even considered the hotel option. The apartments are fully furnished, 2 bed/2 bath, digital cable w/HBO, 32" or larger TV in living room, TV in each bedroom, washer & dryer, weekly maid service, telephone, intercom, gated security and more. Having a room mate in a nice apartment is better than any hotel for that length of time.

Who wants to spend 8 weeks away from home without a car? Instead of flying, I've decided to drive. Yeah, 2,000 miles is a long drive, but it would be pretty inconvenient to be without a car for that long. Since class begins Monday, August 27th, I'm leaving Wednesday. That will allow enough time to get there by Saturday night and have all of Sunday to relax and recharge.


Training will be a busy time with little room for much else. Hopefully, I'll be able to update every few days. From what I understand, the new training schedule is something like this:

Day 1-3: Indoc
Day 4-10: Simulator
Day 11: Orientation Day (wife gets to come to CVG and see the facility!)
Day 12-21: Systems
Day 22-32: Simulator
Day 33: Oral Exam/Check Ride
Then: Observation flights & IOE (Initial Operating Experience) are scheduled.

For anyone wondering...The answer is Yes. The first time a first officer actually flies the plane is on a passenger carrying revenue flight. Of course, said FO is with a line check airman that has MANY years of experience. No worries. This is how every airline operates training. From American to Qantas.

Wish me luck.


Teller said...

Hey Buddy,
Best of luck, this is going to be easy for you! Let me know when you hit the line in Boston, we'll have to get lunch again.

Matthew said...

Good Luck! I'm sure the apartment will work out fine. I had to do a similar stint for a week once, and it was fine. Remember, it's just for a few weeks.