Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Bike Week

Sorry if you've just searched for Bike Week and had Harley Davidson motorcycles in mind...

This week has been bike week at my house...bicycle week that is. My middle son finally showed interest in learning to ride a bike. Santa brought him a new one for Christmas and it went over like a lead balloon. This week, he learned to ride in 2 days on the tiny little bike that started with training wheels. He's almost six and a little too big for it. Hopefully with his new found confidence, he'll have the desire to move up to the big boy bike. Then it will be time to re-attach the training wheels for my 3 year old boy (a.k.a. Mr. Hand-me-down).

My daughter has been riding a bike for 3 years now and she outgrew her little pink bike with white tires, streamers and glitter. I took her to the store yesterday and let her pick out her own new bike. It's a 22 inch mountain bike. It is still girly, but more grown up. I'm glad she likes it, yet sad to see her growing up so fast. It seems like yesterday that I was peforming first aid on her scraped knee when she crashed her new pink bike.

Becoming a pilot is great, but nothing compares to being my kid's daddy. I never knew joy until I became a father.

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