Thursday, July 19, 2007

AWAC Paddywhack, Give The Girl A Job

Congratulations to my friend Dana. She was just hired by Air Wisconsin, one of the premium regional air carriers. Air Wisconsin Airlines Corporation (AWAC) is the largest independently owned regional air carrier, with a fleet of 70 Bombardier CRJ-200 aircraft feeding the US Airways system.

Good Job, Dana!


I went to the doctor today and was finally found to be clear of kidney stones. Yes! The test results finally came in and said that the stones were the calcium type. Other tests revealed that I must:

  1. Stop drinking soda. Ouch.
  2. Cut back on sodium.
I don't use a lot of added salt, so hopefully quitting soda will take care of the sodium issue. The doctor says to avoid stones, I should drink a gallon of water, with lemon, per day. OK. I'll do anything to avoid stones again.

The good news is that the coast is clear. Medical is good.


It's the half way point from being hired to the commencement of training. Five more weeks and it's back to the hectic pace of intense training. This time though, my career depends on success. No pressure.

Before I know it, I'll be flying in and out of some of the busiest airports in the world. The other day, I logged in to and listened to approach and departure control as well as tower at JFK, my future home base. It's a pretty cool site that has live ATC for most of the busy Class B airports in the US. Give it a try.

As always, fly safe.


Matthew said...

Glad to see you're feeling better. Damn that soda.

"They put a chemical addictive in it which makes you crave for it NIGHTLY!"

-- Mike Meyers in So I Married an Axe Murderer

B. N. Sullivan said...

Hey Mike -

I didn't see another way to contact you listed on your blog, so I'm putting this message to you here. Feel free to delete this comment after you read it, since it's not directly related to your post.

Just wanted to say thanks for adding the feed to my 'Professional Pilot News' to your sidebar. I'm touched that you like it well enough to do that.

Blue skies and happy landings!


JAFP said...


Thanks. Hope it's going well for you in the 1900.


No problem. I adjusted the blog layout and had extra room. Your RSS feed was a perfect fit.